Decision details
Contract Award for the Purchase & Supply of 2 x Hako City master 1650 sweepers with weed ripper attachments
Decision Maker: Director of Neighbourhood Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Neighbourhoods has approved the award of a contract to Hako Machines Ltd Company Number 01414225) for the purchase of 2 Hako City Master 1650 sweepers (the Sweepers) at a cost of £202,948.48 exclusive of VAT for the purpose of weed growth control and removal within Wirral boroughs network of alleyways/passages.
The contract to purchase the Sweepers includes a 1-3 year warranty under which Hako Machines Ltd is obliged to provide 4 services of each 12 month period up to 2000hrs per year of use during the warranty period and the cost for this is a total of £23,312.63 exclusive of VAT in addition to the purchase price for the Sweepers.
The Sweepers have been purchased by direct award under Lot 5 of the YPO Contract framework, ref:0001170 Contract: Purchase, Lease and Hire of specialist Vehicles 3.5T and over, including associated products and services. The procurement exercise to purchase the Sweepers has been completed in accordance with the Council’s Contract procedure Rules and the Contract Procurement Regulations 2015.
Reasons for the decision:
To enhance the service proposals for one off funding opportunity for 2024/25 to enable direct impact use of mechanical resources over Glyphosate use for the ongoing weed control within the network of adopted and unadopted alleyways within Wirral borough.
Alternative options considered:
Other sweeper company quotes have been obtained but the cost and service options are not suitable. Recommendations on sweeper reliability and service maintenance from current street cleansing contractor taken into consideration against previous use of other sweeper machines. Other quotations & service requirements provided by alternative suppliers exceed the cost of this contract.
Publication date: 06/06/2024
Date of decision: 06/06/2024
Accompanying Documents: