Decision details
Release of Restrictive covenants at Grange Hill, West Kirby
Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration and Place
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Regeneration and Place has
authorised that:
(1) all the covenants restricting the principal use of the land for
agricultural land in relation to the land at Grange Hill, Grange
Old Road, West Kirby be removed (“the site”);
(2) The piece of land forming part of the access road and at the
entrance to the site off Grange Old Road be sold to Hassett Homes
Ltd; and
(3) The above transaction shall proceed on the terms as set out in
Appendix 1 to this report
Reasons for the decision:
The land located at Grange Road, West
Kirby was originally Grange Hill Farm and consisted of agricultural
land and dwellings and is shown edged red on the attached plan. The
land was subsequently split into separate land parcels: the
Mushroom Farm and the residual Grange Hill Farm, which are now in
three separate ownerships.
The land was previously owned by the Council and restrictive
covenants were imposed at the time of sale which, in the main,
restricts the use to that of agricultural purposes, with limited
residential use permitted. Part of the land was initially
restricted to a single dwelling, although this was partially
released in 2017 to allow the erection of two dwellings.
An executive Member Decision was taken on 3 August 2017 to release
the covenant for the larger part of the site for a figure in excess
of £200,000, but this was not implemented.
Since then, a developer has approached the Council to resurrect
discussions around the removal of the restrictions and accordingly
the Council’s appointed property consultants, Lambert Smith
Hampton (LSH), were asked to assess the value of the
Council’s interest in these property interests. As part of
the advice received from LSH, it has been recommended that the
whole area be released from the covenants as this would enable a
more comprehensive redevelopment.
In addition to seeking to remove the covenants, the developer,
Hassett Homes, has identified a very
small area of land, as shown shaded blue on the attached plan,
which is owned by the Council, but forms part of a private access
road. This appears to be something of an anomaly and the Developer
has asked that the wider transaction includes a transfer of this
area of land. This would still leave a very small sliver of land,
shown shaded green, at the entrance road to the site which is
currently unregistered. Whilst the Council is not the registered
owner, it is probably best placed to claim ownership. As such, the
Council would seek to transfer such rights, title and interest that
the Council may have in the land in exchange for Hassett Homes providing in an easement for
vehicular access, to the extent that it is able to do so.
Accordingly, the advice from LSH is that an appropriate fee for
releasing both restrictions and selling the small piece of land,
based on their proposed scheme, would be in the sum of
This figure is based on Hassett Homes
obtaining permission for 33,024 sqft of
residential dwellings for private sale, or 25 units. Should the
number of units alter, the figure will increase or decrease by
£9,461 per plot, accordingly. The figures are capped at a
maximum of £273,080 and a minimum of £200,000,
regardless of the number of units. Full heads of terms are included
in appendix 1.
The developer has agreed to these terms, together with a
contribution towards the Council’s fees. The transaction will
be conditional on the developer securing planning consent and also
securing the ownership of the land.
The land is allocated for housing in the Council’s Unitary
Development Plan and is also allocated for housing in the emerging
Local Plan. The development of this site with houses is essential
to support the delivery of housing numbers.
There are currently no costs attaching to the Council’s
covenant and the potential liability for the small area of land is
negligible. If the transaction is approved, the Council will
receive a deposit of £5,000 and the balance once the contract
is completed. The council has spent £5,500 ex VAT on advice
from the property consultant. The Council will receive a
contribution towards its costs in the sum of £2,500 on
completion. If the matter doesn’t complete, then the Council
will receive £750.
Appendix 1 contains exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A
of the Local Government Act 1972. It is in the public interest
maintain the confidentiality of Appendix 2 pursuant to Paragraph 3
‘Information relating to the financial or business affairs of
any particular person (including the authority holding the
Alternative options considered:
The Council is not obliged to remove the restrictions although the landowner (or the developer) could approach the Upper Tribunal Lands Chamber with a request to amend or remove the restrictions. In considering the application, the Upper Tribunal would take in to account the allocation within the Local Plan together with the need for housing to support the Local Plan. The outcome of the Tribunal is difficult to predict.
Background Papers
Report and advice from Lambert Smith Hampton (exempt from publication)
Delegated Powers
Part 3 Section C – Overview and Scheme of Delegations of Authority to Officers
The decision is not reserved to a Committee or Sub-Committee and the Director is satisfied that paragraphs 2(a) to 2(c) apply.
Publication date: 17/06/2024
Date of decision: 13/06/2024
Accompanying Documents:
- Restricted enclosure View reasons restricted