Decision details
Specialist Business Support Commissions
Decision Maker: Director of Finance
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Regeneration and Place has
approved the commencement of two procurement exercises to
commission specialist business support provision at a total value
of £300,000. The first commission is for an accelerator or
‘innovation sprint’ programme for an emerging cluster
of creative, digital, and tech businesses and entrepreneurs in
Wirral. The second commission is for a specialist support programme
that will offer Wirral music industry peer-to-peer support through
a network of experts in the field. Subject to the successful
appointment of suitable qualified providers, in accordance with the
Most Economically Advantageous Tender evaluation criteria, both
commissions are expected to commence in July 2024 and complete by
31 March 2025.
Reasons for the decision:
The allocation of UKSPF presents an
opportunity for the Council to invest in specialist business
support that will accelerate business growth and innovation within
key clusters. The commissioned activity directly aligns with the
agreed UKSPF Investment Plan and Wirral Council’s Delivery
Plan and grant allocation for the Place Based Business Support
programme element.
The commissions will be funded using the Council's allocation of UK
Shared Prosperity Funding from Liverpool City Region Combined
Authority under the Place Based Business Support (PBBS) programme
element of the UKSPF Investment Plan.
Alternative options considered:
The Council could decide not to proceed with
the commissioning of specialist sector business support. This would
present a significant missed opportunity to the Council in not
fully utilising its total allocation of UK Shared Prosperity grant
funding by 31 March 2025, as any UKSPF grant that has not been
spent by this date will be returned to Government. Not proceeding
with, or delaying the commissioning of, specialist sector support
would place the Council at risk of not delivering it’s PBBS
Delivery Plan, underperforming against funder targets and financial
clawback of UKSPF if it is unable to achieve outputs by 31 March
Publication date: 04/07/2024
Date of decision: 02/07/2024