Decision details

Review of Homeless Services in Wirral

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A report by the Interim Director of Corporate Services provided the Cabinet with an overview of the current successful Homeless Strategy 2008-2010 and action plan and sought Members’ approval to commission a review of homelessness in Wirral to ensure the new Homeless Strategy reflected the significant impact of changes in homeless services and the economic climate and policy over recent years.


The Cabinet was informed that completing a review of homelessness would assist in meeting one of the Council’s Corporate Priorities to significantly ‘prevent and alleviate homelessness’ by continuing to focus on the continuous evaluation and improvement of homeless services to meet local needs.  The Council’s Homeless Service had benefited from significant investment over recent years to respond to the issues identified in the last Homeless Review carried out in 2007.


It was noted that local authorities were required to consider the local housing needs within their individual areas, including those of homeless households, to whom they had a statutory duty to provide assistance.  Under the Homelessness Act 2002 there was a statutory requirement for the Council to produce a Homeless Strategy informed by a comprehensive review of all forms of homelessness in its area.


A new Homelessness Strategy was required to be published within the period of five years, beginning on the day on which the last Homelessness Strategy was published (which was 26 June 2008).  The aim was to ensure that local authorities took a comprehensive and strategic approach to the management and prevention of all forms of homelessness in their areas.  Commissioning a complete review of homeless services and provision in Wirral and developing and implementing a new Homeless Strategy were also action targets which had been identified as needing to be completed within the Housing Strategic Plan, which was the subject of a separate report to the Cabinet (Minute No. 44 above refers). 


Following the last homelessness review the Council’s Homelessness service had been re-branded as a Housing Options service with a focus on prevention of homelessness.  Operationally it was reported that the Council’s Housing Options service had seen a significant rise in demand, with a 57% rise in housing and debt advice cases opened during 2010/11, compared with the previous year.  The number of statutory homeless acceptances had increased by 51% in 2010/11.  This reflected the national picture which had seen an increase in homeless acceptances, in three consecutive quarters, for the first time since 2003.  Members were informed that further work was required in order to understand the reasons for this and how to best respond.  Consultants would work with officers and key partners to explore these issues in more detail and this detail would inform a new Homeless Strategy.




(1)  the achievements of the successful 2008 - 2010 Homeless Strategy be noted; and


(2)  consultants be engaged to carry out a review of homeless services in Wirral which will inform the development of a new Homeless Strategy for the Borough.

Publication date: 27/06/2011

Date of decision: 23/06/2011

Decided at meeting: 23/06/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/07/2011

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