Decision details
Core Strategy Local Plan - Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Approval of up-to-date assessment of housing
needs and policy responses arising, for inclusion in the Core
Strategy Local Plan.
Wirral – like every other area in the UK – is required to submit its Core Strategy Local Plan to Government next year. This Plan must include a detailed assessment of the Borough, including its housing market.
“This report provides Cabinet with the outcome of an initial assessment. It sets out the findings of an independent study into the demographic and economic changes expected in Wirral and how that impacts the Borough’s housing needs. It also summarises the requirements of national policy.
Councillor Phil Davies |
Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report of the Forward Planning Manager, which stated that Wirral’s Housing Strategy, (see minute 30), set out the vision for housing in the future and the report began a consultation based on the objectively assessed housing need (OAN) as to how this could be delivered.
The report set out the findings of a study into the need for new housing in Wirral and its implications for the future land supply to be identified in the Council’s emerging Core Strategy Local Plan. It summarised the requirements of national policy and set out the alternative options that were available to the Council.
The report recommended that the Council accepted the assessment of objectively assessed need (OAN) identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and consulted on the need to make further changes to the Proposed Submission Draft Core Strategy Local Plan, to accommodate the need for additional housing.
The recommendations would support the delivery of Wirral Plan 2020 pledges relating to the promotion of economic growth and good quality housing that met the needs of residents and supported the delivery of the Wirral Partnership Housing Strategy.
Reason for decision:
To approve the use of the objectively assessed housing need identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update prepared by Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners in determining the future requirement for housing in Wirral to 2032.
To comply with the legal and procedural requirements necessary to complete the preparation and adoption of an up-to-date Core Strategy Local Plan for Wirral, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
(1) The objectively assessed need (OAN) identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) prepared by Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners (NLP) and the assessment of the Borough’s land supply set out in the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) April 2016 are approved as part of the evidence base for the emerging Core Strategy Local Plan, subject to any further revisions that may be required in response to the emerging Devolution Deal Liverpool City Region Strategic Housing and Employment Land Market Assessment (SHELMA).
(2) The Council publishes the SHMA and SHLAA on the Council’s website and in public libraries for public consultation.
(3) The results of consultation are reported to Cabinet before the Draft Core Strategy Local Plan is submitted for the approval of Council for submission to the Secretary of State.
(4) A further separate report is prepared on the more detailed findings of the SHMA, including the provision of affordable and specialist housing.
(Having declared a prejudicial interest, Councillor Whittingham left the room, whilst this item was considered.)
Report author: Andrew Fraser
Publication date: 20/07/2016
Date of decision: 18/07/2016
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/07/2016
Accompanying Documents: