Decision details

Corporate Risk Management Policy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report presents the draft revised version of the Council’s Corporate Risk Management Policy and sets out the factors that have influenced its development. Cabinet’s is invited to consider and formally adopt the Policy on behalf of the Council.



Councillor Phil Davies, Leader of Wirral Council said:


“Effective risk management is a key element of good corporate governance. As with other areas of governance the Council’s approach to managing risk has improved greatly in recent years.


But it is important that our approach supports how the Council is seeking to deliver the outcomes in the Wirral Plan and reflects developments in good practice.”


Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report which confirmed the process behind the annual update to the Council’s Corporate Risk Management Policy and appended a draft revised version of the document. The policy was approved by Audit & Risk Management Committee on 25 September (minute 33 refers). In accordance with Cabinet’s ultimate responsibility for corporate governance, Members were invited to consider and formally adopt the Policy on behalf of the Council.


The adoption of a revised Risk Management Policy was a key element of the Council’s approach to managing risk. In line with the governance arrangements for risk management, Cabinet was responsible for formally adopting any updated version of the Policy.


Councillor Davies referred to a key value for the Council to be ‘risk aware, not risk averse’, which made the need for an effective approach to handling risk even more important. The Policy would be disseminated through visits to individual management teams, through presentations to Wirral Plan Pledge Strategy Groups, publication on the Council Intranet and through completion by managers and staff of the Council’s risk management e-Learning courses.


RESOLVED: That the revised Corporate Risk Management Policy be formally adopted.

Report author: Mike Lane

Publication date: 14/11/2017

Date of decision: 06/11/2017

Decided at meeting: 06/11/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/11/2017

Accompanying Documents: