Decision details
Green Travel Corridors Sustainable Urban Development (SUD: Leasowe to Seacombe Ferry)
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The report of the Director of Regeneration and Place seeks approval to enter into a grant funding agreement, to accept a £1.22m funding package from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and to undertake appropriate land acquisition, consultation, procurement and appointment of a contractor to deliver a 3.7km strategic cycle route from Leasowe to Seacombe Ferry as part of Phase 1 of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) – the Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) Green Travel Corridors.
Resolved – That:
(1) the Director of Governance and Assurance be authorised to enter into a grant funding agreement to accept a £1.22m funding package from the Combined Authority to deliver a 3.7km strategic cycle route from Leasowe to Seacombe Ferry as part of Phase 1 of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) – the Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) Green Travel Corridors;
(2) the Director of Governance and Assurance be authorised to expand the boundary of the adopted highway to include land owned by private land holders (Wirral Waters Land No 1 Ltd, Peel Land Intermediate Ltd, Peel Land and Property Group Management Ltd and the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Ltd – “the PEEL companies”) increasing the area covered under the Council’s maintenance obligations;
(3) the Director of Governance and Assurance be authorised to continue negotiation and, subject to the project budget, agree acquisition of / rights over land currently owned by ER Squibb & Sons Ltd and Network Rail by the most appropriate means. Furthermore, that the Director of Governance and Assurance be authorised to advise on, negotiate and agree any further rights over land for any anomalies hitherto unknown;
(4) the Director of Governance and Assurance be authorised to draw up and complete any legal agreements deemed necessary to ensure the Council has sufficient legal interest in land for the purpose of the scheme;
(5) the Director of Delivery be authorised to undertake the appropriate consultation process.
Reasons for the decision:
As listed in the report.
Publication date: 07/02/2020
Date of decision: 07/02/2020
Effective from: 15/02/2020
Accompanying Documents: