Decision details
Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 - Bayswater Road & Leasowe Road
Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report considers the objections and expressions of support received following consultation regarding the proposed mandatory cycle link along A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive, Wallasey Ward.
This scheme has been developed as part of Tranche 2 of the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Active Travel Fund. In accordance with the Council’s constitution consideration of the approval of the implementation of the scheme is a matter for this Committee given that in excess of 14 objections have been received in response to the public consultation on the scheme.
The scheme also seeks approval for the removal of the Leasowe Road scheme in the Leasowe and Moreton East ward, and the Moreton West and Saughall Massie ward from the Tranche 2 programme.
Resolved (7:4) – That
(1) the implementation of a mandatory cycle link along the A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive, Wallasey, as set out in Appendix 1 of this report be approved; and
(2) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to:
(a) Submit a change control request to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to withdraw the Leasowe Road scheme from the Active Travel Tranche 2 programme;
(b) Submit a change control request to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to enable £111,000 of budget previously allocated to the Leasowe Road scheme to be allocated to the A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive scheme be submitted; and
(3) an associated virement so that the budget for the proposed mandatory cycle link along Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive is increased from £70,000 to £181,000 be effected.
Reasons for the decision:
The proposed mandatory cycle link along A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive, Wallasey Ward is designed in accordance with the latest cycling design guidance (LTN1/20 - Cycle Infrastructure Design) to create an environment that is safe for both walking and cycling and to help embed walking and cycling as part of new long-term commuting habits.
1.2 The scheme is funded via the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Active Travel Fund and the funding cannot be used for any other purpose.
1.3 The objections and expressions of support received during the consultation period have been considered and have been given comprehensive responses. It is considered that the scheme proposal should be progressed as it is in line with the latest DfT design guidance for cycle schemes and the objectives of the Active Travel Fund.
1.4 Due to the current macro-economic climate there has been a significant increase in costs which has impacted on the Tranche 2 programme. It is therefore considered appropriate with withdraw the Leasowe Road scheme from the programme and consider this for future funding opportunities. This scheme has not yet been consulted on and therefore not as advanced as other schemes in the programme.
Alternative options considered:
2.1 Allocate the funding to a different scheme in the Borough. This is not considered appropriate as the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (“LCRCA”) has advised that the funds could only be spent on schemes within the current programme and could not be spent on a new scheme in the borough.
2.2 Remove the A554 Bayswater Road/Harrison Drive Scheme from the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 programme and return the £70,000 of funding to the LCRCA. This is not considered an appropriate option as failure to deliver the scheme could result in reputational issues for the Council in terms of its commitment to active travel.
2.3 Remove an alternate scheme from the programme rather than Leasowe Road. This is not considered an appropriate option as the Leasowe scheme is not as progressed as other schemes in the programme and has not yet been the subject of a public consultation.
Publication date: 21/10/2022
Date of decision: 20/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 20/10/2022 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Effective from: 27/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: