Decision details
Decision Maker: Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report seeks approval to accept grant funding of up to £1,582,500 from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to support the development of the Birkenhead Central Gateway Programme. The report also notes the approved slippage of £1,092,129 from 2021/22 development funding grant award. The development funding will support key regeneration projects including Argyle Street, Dock Branch Park, Hind Street and Woodside.
The acceptance of the development funding will support all five themes of the Wirral Plan 2021-26: Inclusive Economy, Safe & Pleasant Communities, Sustainable Environment, Brighter Futures and Active & Healthy Lives.
This matter affects the Birkenhead and Tranmere Ward and the Rock Ferry Ward.
This matter is a Key Decision
Resolved – that,
(1) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to
(a) accept grant funding of up to £2,674,629 to support the development of the Birkenhead Central Gateway Programme allocated to the Council by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority; and
(b) commence the necessary pre-development work to achieve the outputs set out in Table 1of this report.
(2) Recommend to the Policy and Resources Committee that the Capital Programme be amended so that the £2,674,629 grant funding allocated to Wirral Council by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority be allocated to the development of the Birkenhead Central Gateway Programme.
Reasons for the decision:
To enable the development of the transport projects to continue which will support the delivery of several key catalyst projects and neighbourhoods identified in Birkenhead 2040, the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) programme and the wider regeneration of the Left Bank.
To ensure that the Council achieves development and delivery of transport and regeneration schemes within the Borough as part of a Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) wide programme of schemes and interventions.
To ensure that the Council supports schemes which will deliver increased levels of sustainable travel as set out in the emerging Local Plan and to support actions required to address the Climate Emergency and the target in the Cool2 Strategy to ‘a complete transition to fossil fuel free local travel by around 2030’.
Alternative options considered:
The Council could decide to not accept the funding. This is not considered to be an appropriate option given that the delivery of the Argyle Street, Dock Branch Park, Hind Street and Woodside projects are catalyst transport projects in Birkenhead 2040 and the LUF programme. Supporting sustainable and active travel is in line with the Council’s commitment to addressing the climate emergency, improving the health of Wirral’s residents and encouraging alternative modes of transport to the private car.
The funding could be used for other purposes. This is not considered an appropriate option as it would not meet the terms of the grant funding agreement, as the funding is specifically to support delivery of the Argyle Street, Dock Branch Park, Hind Street and Woodside projects.
Should the funding be used for other purposes the Council would be in breach of the conditions which the grant funding is subject to.
Publication date: 19/10/2022
Date of decision: 19/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 19/10/2022 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Effective from: 27/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: