Decision details


Decision Maker: Director of Care and Health

Status: Decision has been rejected

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A previous Officer Decision Notice (ODN) referred incorrectly to awarding both contracts to Provider A and Provider C.  The award of both contracts is to Provider C.  The contract for Spinnaker House has been dealt with under the ODN to Provider C.  This decision addresses the award to Provider C of the contract for Sycamore Place.


Agreed – That the Director of Adults. Health and Strategic Commissioning approve the award of the contract to Provider A & C outlined in Appendix 1 (EXEMPT), and approve the progression to notice of the award of the contract.

Reasons for the decision:

The award of the contract is given to the highest and second highest scoring tenderer (as outlined in the exempt Appendix 1 (EXEMPT) the reason for awarding to both Providers is to ensure we have sufficient capacity within the market and a safe mobilisation to deliver the specified service within the approved budget and in accordance with the most economically advantageous tender criteria.


1.1  To ensure care and support services will be provided to residents within the new Extra Care Housing schemes at Spinnaker House and Sycamore House.


1.2  To enable care and support at home providers a long lead-in time for mobilisation given the size and location of the schemes.


1.3  The contract length of 5 years is to support providers to  invest in recruitment and retention for the longer-term, and to ensure continuity of care for the people who live in the scheme.


Alternative options considered:

2.1  To not procure services to meet the assessed needs of the individuals moving into the accommodation. This would mean that assessed needs would not be met by an onsite single care team, and existing community domiciliary care providers would be unlikely to meet demand within the scheme and there would be a risk that the Council would not fulfil its statutory duty under the Care Act 2014.


2.2   To not procure the services to meet the needs of people moving into the scheme, which may mean that people would need placing in residential and nursing care placements to meet their needs, which would not support the best outcomes for people and allow people to remain in their own homes.


2.3   Having a contract length shorter than 5 years, but this would not ensure longer-term investment with the provider or ensure continuity of care for the people who live in the scheme. Recruitment in the sector is currently challenging, and a shorter contract length could present a difficulty for the successful provider in recruiting a full care team.


Publication date: 23/12/2022

Date of decision: 23/12/2022

Effective from: 31/12/2022

Accompanying Documents: