Decision details

Community Reablement Service

Decision Maker: Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this report is to seek the Committee’s approval of the Adult Social Care

Community Reablement Model. This is designed to add value to a person’s experience with the reablement system.


The report Community Reablement Model contained within the comprehensive Target

Operating Model attached in Appendix 1. This is split into six sections: -

1. Context

2. Design model

3. People

4. Financial

5. Governance & Reporting

6. Appendix


The Adult Social Care Community Reablement Model (the model) supports the delivery of the Wirral Plan 2021-2026 ‘Active and Healthy Lives’ theme: “Working for happy, active and healthy lives where people are supported, protected and inspired to live independently.”


And the ‘Brighter Futures’ theme: “Brighter Futures for all, regardless of their background”.


Resolved – that the Adult Social Care Community Reablement Target Operating Model as set out in Appendix 1 of this report be approved.

Reasons for the decision:

Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee on 11 October 2022, approved in principle the establishment of an Adult Social Care reablement service delivered by the Council. This report outlines the proposed Target Operating Model.


The Council currently has a hybrid model of reablement. The assessment element is provided by the Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, as part of Wirral Social Work contract, this returns to the Council on 1 July 2023. The delivery element is currently provided by independent sector community domiciliary care providers as part of a full Care and Support at Home offer which covers reablement, domiciliary care and Continuing NHS Health Care.


The model will enable greater alignment and joining up of services to improve outcomes for people accessing or in need for reablement to live well in their communities, and to aspire to more active, fulfilling, and independent lives as possible.


The model will focus on providing high quality community reablement services that would enable greater opportunity to direct resources to those who would benefit the most.


The model is designed to enable people to maximise their independent living skills in order that they can continue to live their lives as independently as possible and to reduce their need for long term social care support.


The approach to supporting people who require reablement services in Wirral will benefit from learning from other areas. This is to ensure that best practice in personalised care and support is offered to people to meet their goals and aspirations, and to achieve better outcomes.

Alternative options considered:

Not to design an Adult Social Care Community Reablement Model in collaboration with key stakeholders would not deliver the best outcome for the residents of Wirral.


Not to design an Adult Social Care Community Reablement Model based on ‘home first principle’ may hinder a delay in services provided thus effecting a delay an individual’s levels independency and recovery rate.


To commission the service from a third-party provider could cost the Council more and would potentially reduce the longer-term benefit of being able to directly focus reablement services where they are needed most.

Report author: Jean Stephens

Publication date: 13/06/2023

Date of decision: 13/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Effective from: 21/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: