Decision details

Parking Enforcement Contract Renewal Options

Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council has a legal duty to maintain the safe flow of traffic on its network under the Traffic Management Act 2004. Part of this duty is to deliver a Parking Service which

includes the enforcement of on and off-street parking restrictions, the initial processing of penalty charge notices up to and including Notice to Owner stage and the issuing of resident, country park and staff parking permits and parking dispensations. The service also provides emergency cover for the school crossing patrol service. The incumbent contractor is NSL Limited, Registration No. 06033060. The Council have worked with NSL for almost 20 years.


The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a 5-year extension to the Council’s current parking enforcement contract with NSL Limited.


Resolved – that,


1.  The extension of the current contract for parking enforcement services with NSL Limited, Registration No. 06033060 for a further period of 5 years be approved.


2.  A report be brought back to Committee in advance of the 2026 review, looking at in-house and hybrid provision.

Reasons for the decision:

Extending the current contract provides a commercial rationale in the current macro-economic climate, with increasing rates of inflation, allowing more time for the economy to recover and stabilise following macro-economic factors such as recovery from the Covid pandemic, global economic pressures and cost of living impacts. It also provides an opportunity for the Council’s parking strategy to be implemented and any future parking polices and initiatives for all modes to be determined. Following on from this, officers will be well positioned to fully explore and consider alternative delivery models.


Performance levels throughout the current contract have been consistently high with most performance indicators regularly achieved (see appendix 2). In addition, NSL has been a valuable external partner supporting events such as The Open Golf in 2006, 2014 and 2023. NSL have established excellent working relationships with the Community Patrol Officers and other partners, including Merseyside Police. NSL have supported road safety initiates, school crossing patrols and the Council’s school streets projects.


The current service provider, NSL has presented a contract extension proposal that includes for operational financial savings, added value, a focus on climate emergency response by replacing their fleet with electric /hybrid vehicles and continuing to deliver social value benefits for the borough. The savings proposal strengthens the council’s financial position by significant cost avoidance and social value benefits as it seeks to manage service operating costs in support of the Medium-Term Financial Plan. The extended contract will also provide opportunities to introduce additional enforcement activities beyond the scope of parking. Officers’ recommendation to extend the current contract has been brought following consultation with Legal and Procurement services colleagues.  


Extending the current contract avoids additional procurement costs as detailed in the report.

Alternative options considered:

To do nothing is not an option as the current contract will expire on 30 September 2023 and the Council has a legal duty to maintain the safe flow of traffic on its network under the Traffic Management Act 2004. Five options in total were considered which are set out in detail in Appendix 1 of this report and are as follows:


Option 1- Cease contract, re-tender;

Option 2 - Extend contract by 5-years as permitted in the original contract;

Option 3 - Extend for a period less than 5-years;

Option 4 - Cease contract and undertake the service “in house”;

Option 5 - Cease contract and bring part of the service “in house”.

Option 6 – Extend the contract by a further 5-years is the recommended option.

Report author: Simon Fox

Publication date: 19/06/2023

Date of decision: 19/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/06/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Effective from: 27/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: