Decision details
Decision Maker: Audit and Risk Management Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Summary of IA work for period and inclusion of
any items of note and for escalation
The Chief Internal Auditor presented his report which identified and evaluated
the performance of the Internal Audit Service and included details of any
issues arising from the actual work undertaken during the period 1
March to 31 May 2023. Appendix 1 outlined items of note, including a review undertaken of the access controls within the Liquidlogic (children’s) system and continued support of Internal Audit in the implementation of Oracle Fusion system.
Resolved – That the report be noted.
Report author: Mark Niblock
Publication date: 11/08/2023
Date of decision: 27/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 27/06/2023 - Audit and Risk Management Committee
Accompanying Documents: