Decision details
Decision Maker: Audit and Risk Management Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
IA Plan of of work for 2023-24
The Chief Internal Auditor presented a report identifying the Internal Audit Plan for 2023-24 which was in line with professional standards for a risk based Internal Audit plan in Local Government. The work scheduled within the plan reflected findings of an extensive planning exercise to ensure relevance of risks previously identified, alongside inclusion of risks to the organisation that had emerged since the exercise or were likely to emerge in the near future. It was noted that the plan was thematic rather than focused upon specific pieces of work in order to reflect the changing nature of risks over time and to provide flexibility.
Commenting upon the plan, Members sought assurance that the Council’s complaints procedures were operating effectively and requested an overview of the data relating to complaints received. The Chief Internal Auditor was to produce a briefing note in advance of the next committee meeting to provide an overview of complaints received.
Resolved – That the work proposed in the Internal Audit Plan for 2023/24 be endorsed in accordance with the terms of reference for the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
Report author: Mark Niblock
Publication date: 11/08/2023
Date of decision: 27/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 27/06/2023 - Audit and Risk Management Committee
Accompanying Documents: