Decision details

20mph Zones Phase 2 - Consideration of Objections and Officers Responses

Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report considers objections and comments of support submitted during the statutory traffic regulation order consultation period for Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme which consists of 15 proposed areas.


In view of the number of objections received to Phase 2 following the implementation of Phase 1 the Committee may wish to consider alternatives to proceeding directly with Phase 2, so two possible options are recommended for consideration.


One of the key themes contained within the Wirral 2021-26 Plan is to provide safe and pleasant communities. By generally aspiring to make roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, this scheme will contribute to the key priorities set out within the current plan.


This proposal affects the following Council Wards; Birkenhead & Tranmere, Prenton, Seacombe, Bidston & St James, New Brighton, Liscard, Rock Ferry, Clatterbridge, Bebington, Heswall, Claughton, Leasowe & Moreton East, Hoylake & Meols, Pensby & Thingwall, Greasby, Frankby & Irby, Upton, Moreton West & Saughall Massie.


Resolved (8:3) – That the Director of Neighbourhood Services be instructed to introduce all of Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme on those roads or parts of roads shown on the list attached within Appendix A to this report.




Reasons for the decision:

The concerns raised by those who responded to the formal consultation have been noted and considered, and the key findings and detailed responses to objections received for Phase 2 can be found within Appendix B and D of this report.  


Whilst the number of formal responses to the phase 2 consultation were low, representing 2.6% of the resident population of the 15 scheme areas, and predominantly related to 20mph speed limits in general – the responses are overwhelmingly in opposition. Members will of course wish to consider what, if any, consequence this should have for the planned scheme.


The 20mph speed limit programme is intended to deliver significant benefits including a reduction in average vehicular speeds, a reduction in road traffic collisions and to encourage more children to walk and cycle to school. The 20mph speed limit programme supports the priorities of the Liverpool City Region Road Safety Strategy, Wirral Council Road Safety Plan 2023-27, Wirral 2021-26 Plan, and the resolutions of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.

Alternative options considered:

Two options are recommended for consideration by the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee:


Option 1 – Proceed to introduce all of Phase 2 of the 20mph speed limit programme on those roads or parts of roads shown on the list attached within Appendix A to this report.


Option 2 - Review and re-evaluate the proposed roads within Phase 2 in light of the consultation response. Considering a more targeted approach, for example, restricted to locations near schools and where collision records are highest only.


Not acting or pausing any Phase 2 20mph implementation pending a full and substantive review of Phase 1 would be contrary to typical practice: that 20mph schemes should be evaluated over a six-year period with 3 years before and after to have sufficient relevant data. The 20mph speed limit programme supports the priorities of the Liverpool City Region Road Safety Strategy, Wirral Council Road Safety Plan 2023-27, Wirral 2021-26 Plan, and the resolutions of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.



Report author: Simon Fox

Publication date: 05/12/2023

Date of decision: 05/12/2023

Decided at meeting: 05/12/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Effective from: 13/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: