Decision details
Wirral Parking Strategy
Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report seeks approval for the adoption of a parking strategy proposed to cover public on and off-street parking in Wirral.
Members will recall that on the 19 June 2023 a report was presented to this committee detailing work being undertaken to support the development of the parking strategy, which included surveys and modelling forecasts, reviews of research and best practice from other authorities, and also provided details of the Phase 1 of public and stakeholder consultation.
This earlier work, along with the feedback from a second Phase of public and stakeholder consultation, undertaken between 7 August to 25 September 2023, has been used to produce a parking strategy with the aim that it will support the safe and efficient management of traffic, help the local economy and businesses, and contribute to addressing the environment and climate emergency. The parking strategy is intended to provide a clear framework to manage on and off-street parking in Wirral within a wider context of sustainable economic growth and urban regeneration.
Resolved – That the parking strategy as set out in Appendix 1 be approved.
Reasons for the decision:
A parking strategy will play a critical role to support safe and effective management of the highway network within the wider context of sustainable economic growth and regeneration.
The development of an effective parking strategy is critical to align with and support other strategies and plans to encourage and support sustainable economic growth and regeneration of the borough, including the emerging local plan, Birkenhead 2040 and the environment and climate emergency declaration.
A parking strategy is required to support the development and implementation of future parking policies and interventions for all modes. The parking strategy provides the framework for policies and interventions. Any traffic management or operational proposals to enable delivery of this strategy will be the subject of further reports to this committee and would be supported by further analysis, consultation, and evidence, including further survey/data collection as appropriate.
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is developing the Local Transport Plan 4 for the region which will set out plans, policies and ambitions for transport services and transport investment in the Liverpool City Region until 2040. The council’s parking strategy will be one of the strategy documents to support the transport plan for the region.
Alternative options considered:
The Council could decide not to adopt a parking strategy. This is not considered an appropriate option as a parking strategy is an important framework to support the safe and effective management of the highway network and support sustainable economic growth and regeneration. If a parking strategy was not in place this could impact on the efficiency of the operation of the highway, as well as the ability to support the environment and climate emergency declaration.
Publication date: 05/12/2023
Date of decision: 05/12/2023
Decided at meeting: 05/12/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Effective from: 13/12/2023
Accompanying Documents: