Issue - meetings

Carbon Reduction Commitment

Meeting: 22/02/2010 - Cabinet (Item 335)

335 Carbon Budget 2010-2011 pdf icon PDF 136 KB


A report by the Director of Technical Services provided details for setting the Council’s first Carbon Budget, as requested by Members in a Resolution approved by Council on 14 December 2009, (Minute 77 refers).  Members were asked to note and endorse the actions to develop a Carbon Budget across the Council.


Resolved – That


(1)  the actions and progress set out in the report be endorsed;


(2)  the following be also agreed:


(a)  the establishment of the Council’s carbon footprint and quantification of the tonnes of CO2 released as a direct result of Council operations for 2010 onwards, as set out in the report;


(b)  an appropriate evaluation model for quantifying CO2 emissions as part of the procurement process for new council contracts and other spend from April 2011 be developed by the Director of Finance; and


(c)  regular updates be received on progress regarding the carbon budget (the reports to include measures and projects implemented to reduce carbon emissions, including an analysis to show progress being made by department and key service areas); and


(3)  a briefing be arranged in the next Municipal Year, as part of the Members’ Training and Development Programme, on the ethos of a Carbon Budget.