Issue - meetings

Highway and Engineering Services Contract - Presentation

Meeting: 21/06/2010 - Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)


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The Director of Technical Services submitted a report updating Members on the current Highway and Engineering Services Contract at the end of its first year of operation.  He introduced the client officer team who were in attendance to provide an overview of the contract and answer questions from members. The contractor’s senior management team had been invited to attend the September meeting of this committee.


The Director reported that the first year of the contract had required some settling in with both client and contractor making adjustments and accommodations to their ways of working.  Further changes would inevitably be required and members’ views were welcomed on potential areas for innovation or improvement to be included in the innovation Sub-group programme for the coming year. However it had been a productive year with a variety of work jointly completed, particularly with planned works:


3 No.  Pedestrian crossing facilities (Toucan/Puffin)

5 No.  Cycling Strategy Schemes

12 No.   Local Safety Schemes

1 No.  Major safety Scheme

11 No.   Safer Route to School Schemes

4 No.  Pedestrian Facilities Schemes

11 No.   Street Lighting Improvement Schemes

60,000 No.  Road Gullies cleansed

37 No.   Carriageway Surfacing Schemes (HRA/DBM)

64 No.   Micro Asphalt Surface Treatment Schemes

101 No.  Footway Slurry Seal Schemes

18 No.   Carriageway Retread Schemes

11 No.   Footway Reconstruction Schemes

37 No.   Major patching locations

34 No.   Area Forum Improvements (pedestrian droppers, vehicle activated signs, refuges)


The Winter Maintenance operation proved relatively successful despite issues once again over salt deliveries.  This was the subject of a separate report to the Committee detailing the areas of concern, lessons learnt and the mitigating actions to be put in place to improve the Council’s response to adverse weather conditions (see minute 60 ante)


At contract commencement Colas had occupied part of the Council’s Dock Road Depot previously taken by Operational Services but from the end of April they were now located in their own depot on the Prenton Way Industrial Estate.


The Director reported that the Gateway 5 contract review to be carried out on the 22-24 June, by the external Local Partnerships Organisation, would consider the operational arrangements and look to establish the extent to which the qualitative and quantitative benefits that were identified during the procurement exercise have been brought to fruition.  The findings of the Gateway reviewers will be reported to Cabinet and a subsequent report would be presented to the September meeting of this committee detailing progress made against any recommended actions.


The Director responded to questions from members concerning the achievement of projected savings from the contract and additional Gershon efficiency savings over the period of the contract.


Resolved – That the Committee:


(i)  Note the progress of the contract during the past year;


(ii)  Note the invitation to provide views on potential areas for innovation or improvement to be included in the Innovation Sub-group programme for the coming year;


(iii)  Request officers to report to the next meeting on the outcome of the Gateway 5 Review and the progress made against any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61