Issue - meetings

Fourth Quarter Performance - Presentation

Meeting: 17/06/2010 - Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 49)

49 Fourth Quarter Performance - Presentation pdf icon PDF 413 KB

The Head of Housing and Regeneration will report verbally.


A copy of the performance report is available in the Web Library.


The Head of Housing and Regeneration gave a presentation and submitted an overview of progress made against the indicators for 2010/2011 in the fourth quarter and key projects which were relevant to the Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


He gave details of what was working well, including:


 -  Wirral Council was currently dealing with the largest planning application in the UK, submitted by Peel for Wirral Waters, for a major development scheme to change the dockland area in Birkenhead and Wallasey over a 30 year period.


-  Planners were working on the second phase of ‘Brand New Brighton’ which would include mixed use development along the waterfront. The second phase had been boosted by £3.9 million from Northwest Regional Development Agency and had already attracted six new major businesses to the area. It was hoped that this project would create 714 new jobs through a series of new retail and leisure facilities by 2012.


-  Wirral Council had secured almost £1.5 million for new, affordable rented homes in three areas of the borough.


-  The number of affordable homes delivered had improved considerably.


-  A million pound plus cash injection to boost a major housing development in Tranmere, with £1,078,123 from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to enable work to begin in Whitford Road to build 56 family houses.


-  Bristol-Myers Squibb was investing £3.5million pounds in its research and development laboratory in Moreton, which would support approximately 100 existing scientific, technical and related jobs at the site.


-  Good progress continued to be made to create and safeguard jobs.


-  The ‘Wirral Apprentice Programme’ had created 150 new apprenticeships within local small and medium-sized businesses.


-  The number of new business start-ups and number of businesses supported through the Council's Business Start Programme continued to improve


In his presentation the Director referred to the impact of the recession on the local economy and key performance indicators relating to: the overall employment rate; out of work benefits ; the housing market; and local market conditions.  He also referred to some of the planned interventions in response to the economic recession.


In respect of the financial position, the outturn position for the departments for the financial year 2009/10 had now been finalised and they were within budget. 


The Director responded to a range questions from members regarding:-


-  New businesses and the net effect in terms of gains/losses

-  The Business Start Programme and intensive support given to new businesses during formation and the ensuing 12 months which had resulted a high sustainability rate (75/80%)

-  Job creation and the need to encourage manufacturing jobs to Wirral

-  A request for further information on vacancies notified and the occupational areas

-  The quality of jobs on offer (earnings)

-  The skills gap and the need to continue to receive this information following the demise of the Learning Skills Council

-  Monitoring of the Council’s Apprenticeship Programme


The Director presented the latest Job Seekers Allowance figures:-  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49