Issue - meetings

United Utilities - Operations

Meeting: 14/09/2010 - Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 76)

United Utilities - Operations

Further to minute 7 (Cabinet - 27/5/2010) Gary Dixon, Customer Operations Director, Scott Beard, Regional Water Network Manager, and Nial Clarke, Emergency Planning and Resource Manager, will attend the meeting to discuss the loss of supplies incident in Wallasey last May, and outline improvements being made based on the lessons learnt.



Further to minute 7 (Cabinet - 27/5/2010) Gary Dixon, Customer Operations Director, Stuart Atkinson, Network Manager, and Niall Clarke, Emergency Planning and Resource Manager, attended the meeting to discuss the loss of supplies incident in Wallasey Village area last May, and outline improvements being made based on the lessons learnt.


Mr Atkinson explained that the loss of water supplies had been caused by a fault on a valve which was required to maintain water pressure on the network. The repair of the valve was a very difficult engineering task which required the use of specialist contractors to work with the company’s own maintenance crews. The situation was further complicated due to the close proximity of high voltage electricity cables and the resulting health and safety

implications, which had considerably slowed the progress of the repair works


As a priority, the company had arranged for bottled water to be provided to its most vulnerable extra care customers and alternative supplies were also provided to other residents whilst repairs were ongoing.


Arrangements had been made to communicate regular updates on the situation through press releases, local radio, and the Council and partner agencies.


Mr Dixon and his team responded to questions from Members including the company’s records and mapping systems, its communications strategy for Major Events, feedback and lessons learnt from the in-depth review of this particular incident, and arrangements for compensation payments.


Councillor Lesley Rennie, ward councillor, thanked Mr Dixon and his colleagues for their co-operation in sharing information with the Council regarding this particular incident, and emphasised the need for them to involve ward councillors and use their special local knowledge when co-ordinating their response to any future emergencies.


 She also asked the company to look into the issue of compensation payments for local businesses that were affected by the loss of water supplies. Mr Dixon agreed to pursue this matter.


Mark Camborne, Health, Safety and Resilience Manager, reported that arrangements had been made with the company for a pilot scheme whereby his team would in future be notified of all interruptions to water supplies.  This was a major improvement for cascading information and engaging relevant local authority service areas and also elected members at the earliest opportunity.


The Chair thanked Mr Dixon and his team for their attendance at this meeting. He welcomed the opportunity to share the lessons learnt from this particular incident and noted the improved liaison arrangements.


Resolved –


(1)  That the reports be noted.



(2)  That Mr Dixon and his colleagues be thanked for their attendance at this meeting.