Issue - meetings

Scottish Power - Street Lighting

Meeting: 14/09/2010 - Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 77)

Scottish Power - Street Lighting

Further to minute 64 (21/6/2010) arrangements have been made for representatives of Scottish Power to attend this meeting and discuss street lighting issues with Members.



Further to minute 64 (21/6/2010) Mr Bob Wales, Scottish Power Network Manager, attended the meeting and answered questions from members regarding  the provision of street lighting services by Scottish Power, the number of jobs outstanding and site specific faults within Members’ wards.  He explained that his company provided a good level of service and a new work management computer system had been installed earlier this year as part of its investment programme. The computer spreadsheet which was produced on a weekly basis showed that there were no street lighting works currently outstanding, but he agreed to look into any specific complaints raised by members.


Mr Bob Clifford, Highway Maintenance Service  Manager,  referred to a report produced by the street lighting section showing average response times for each of the service faults on the street lighting network. He would prepare a further report to the committee after Scottish Power had an opportunity to comment on his report.


The Chair thanked Mr Wales for his attendance at this meeting.  He commented that there was longstanding dissatisfaction with street lighting services and repairs as demonstrated by complaints from received constituents. He asked for a further report to be presented to the January meeting of this committee comparing the Council’s list of outstanding work with the reports produced by Scottish Power.


Resolved –


(1) That Mr Wales be thanked for his presentation.


(2)  That a further report be prepared for the January meeting of this committee to include the latest information and works schedules from both Scottish Power and the Council in respect of street lighting services and repairs, and that Scottish Power be invited to attend this meeting.