Issue - meetings

Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1)

Meeting: 23/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 157)

Urgent Business - Company Named in the Report - Request for Financial Assistance


Further to Minute No. 136(b), a report by the Interim Director of Corporate Services contained an application for a company to enable its business to expand so that existing and new contracts could be fulfilled over the next 3-5 years.  It involved two projects which would ensure jobs would remain within the Wirral area, and 107 jobs would be created in 2010/11 and 117 during 2011/12.




(1)  subject to the prior approval of the Deputy Chief Executive, the Director of Finance and the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management, a grant, paid over one year, be approved towards the business expansion project being undertaken by the company named within the report, subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 3.2; and


(2)  subject to the same approvals, the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be authorised to draw up and sign a legal agreement between the Council and the company, based on the contents of this report.