Issue - meetings

Office Rationalisation

Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 235)

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Councillor Hodson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item No. 16 – Office Rationalisation (Minute No. 235 refers) by virtue of being a director of a company which cleans Wirral Partnership Homes’ premises and left the room whilst this item was being discussed.


A report by the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management advised Members of terms agreed with Wirral Partnership Homes for the sale of Westminster House.  In the light of that agreement, it recommended a way forward for rationalisation of the Council’s administrative accommodation.




(1)  the sale of Westminster House to Wirral Partnership Homes be approved on the terms now reported and the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be authorised to complete all necessary legal documentation;


(2)  a revised savings target be set in the Council’s budget based on the vacation of the buildings identified in paragraph 3.24 of the report;


(3)  the approaches set out in the report regarding future provision of administrative accommodation and rationalisation be endorsed;


(4)  subject to the inclusion of an overage clause to ensure Wirral Council and Wirral Partnership Homes fairly share in any profits from any future development of the Westminster House site, the sale of Westminster House to Wirral Partnership Homes be approved on the terms now reported and the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be authorised to complete all necessary legal documentation; and


(5)  delegated authority be given to the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management, in consultation with the portfolio holder, to agree the terms of the overage clause.