Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 09/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 240)

Members' Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest

The members of the Cabinet are invited to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any of the items on this agenda and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.


The members of the Cabinet were invited to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any of the items on this agenda and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.


Councillor J Green declared a personal interest in respect of Minutes255 and 256 (Primary and Secondary School Admission Arrangements) by virtue of his wife’s employment as a Headteacher with the authority.


Councillor C Blakeley declared a personal interest in respect of Minute 260 (Bidston Moss Viaduct Update and Docks Link Roads) by virtue of his membership of the Merseyside Integrated Passenger Transport Authority.


Councillor Holbrook declared a block personal interest in respect of Minutes 255 and 256 (Primary and Secondary School Admission Arrangements) on behalf of all of those Cabinet members who were members of school governing bodies.