Issue - meetings

Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1)

Meeting: 14/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 400)

Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1) - Thank You

To consider any other business that the Chair accepts as being urgent.


Councillor J Green, as Leader, informed that this was the last Cabinet meeting in the current Municipal Year. And whilst the press and public were still in attendance he wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to Cabinet meetings.  He thanked Mr and Mrs Brace for being a part of the process and attending meetings, Councillor S Holbrook, his deputy and Cabinet colleague, his other Cabinet colleagues and the Officers who had worked closely with the Cabinet. 


Councillor Green informed that the Cabinet had set new standards in openness and honesty and shown it wanted to engage with the public.  He listed some of the many achievements of the coalition including:


  • the Budget Strategy;
  • the Change Programme; and
  • the Early Voluntary Severance process that had allowed 1,100 people to leave the Council’s employment in decent and proper circumstances.


Councillor Green thanked former staff who had left during the Municipal Year for their work and commitment whilst employed by the Council.  He then went on to thank the 5,000 staff who remained in the Council’s employment for their work, flexibility and commitment.  He considered the staff to be well placed to face challenges coming forward to improve outcomes and the quality of life of the people of Wirral.