Issue - meetings

Collection Summary

Meeting: 23/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Collection Summary 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 91 KB


A report by the Director of Finance detailed the collection of Council Tax, Business Rates, Sundry Debtors and Housing Act Advances.  It highlighted key collection indicators and trends with regard to irrecoverable sums and the sums written off under delegation.


Councillor S Foulkes raised concerns over the possibility of new legislation coming into force that may only allow the Council to keep locally collected business rates and the devastation such action would cause the Council and the knock on effect it would have on precepting authorities e.g. Police and Fire and Rescue.  He informed that he would be raising this matter at the meeting to take place between the three Political Group Leaders and Eric Pickles MP (Minute No. 25 refers).




That the report be noted.