Issue - meetings

Inward Investment

Meeting: 05/09/2011 - Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

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The Interim Director of Corporate Services reported upon plans to develop a series of targeted inward investment activities with the explicit aim of promoting Wirral as a business investment location to drive economic growth and create new jobs within the Borough. The activities were intended to actively promote Wirral’s investment opportunities by specifically targeting expanding companies with investment projects by using experienced intermediaries to undertake and manage inward investment lead generation activity. The Cabinet had agreed to the adoption of a specific three stage approach to inward investment (minute 79 (21 July 2011) refers) and the Interim Director outlined how the activities would be co-ordinated and delivered in line with the wider investment support services framework. He referred specifically to the proposed appointment of an Inward Investment Manager and commented that the post holder would work closely with Invest Wirral and promote Wirral under the Invest Wirral brand. In response to comments from members, the Interim Director agreed to present a further report when the Inward Investment Manager was in post.


Resolved – That the plans for Inward Investment be noted and the implementation of the proposals set out in the report of the Interim Director of Corporate Services, be supported.