Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Review

Meeting: 17/11/2011 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)

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Further to minute 116 (Cabinet – 22 September 2011) and in response to the findings of the AKA Report on Corporate Governance, the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance presented an initial report which outlined areas of work that Internal Audit could include in the Annual Plan to strengthen further the corporate governance of the Council. The report had been considered by the Corporate Governance Committee on 26 October 2011 (minute 6 refers), who had agreed that external perspectives of the workload, organisation and structure of Internal Audit should be obtained, the objective being to ensure a fit for purpose Internal Audit service, both in terms of planned work and skills availability, and to ensure that the management of authority responded appropriately to recommendations.


The Director commented also that at its meeting on 16 November 2011 (minute 13 refers), the Corporate Governance Committee had agreed a number of Key Lines of Enquiry, one of which related to the Review of Internal Audit and identified a number of work areas beyond the current Audit Plan that should be included within the workload and structure of Internal Audit. Members welcomed measures that would strengthen the corporate governance of the Council, but expressed some concern that competing demands could impact on the key areas of work within the Audit Plan.


Resolved – That the report be noted.