Issue - meetings

2011/2012 Second Quarter Performance and Financial Review

Meeting: 17/11/2011 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 70)

70 2011/2012 Second Quarter Performance and Financial Review pdf icon PDF 986 KB


The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance provided Members with an overview of performance, resource and risk monitoring in relation to the Council’s Corporate Plan for the period July to September 2011. For each element of the Plan, he set out what had worked well during the monitoring period and highlighted performance against indicators, resource implications and future challenges and risks. The projected general fund balance at 31 March 2012 was £7.3m and he provided also a summary of the capital programme, which had reduced by £12m since quarter 1, mainly as a result of the re-profiling of a number of CYP capital schemes with expenditure to take place in later years.


In response to comments from the Chair with regard to the presentation of information being shown as percentages without actual figures being provided, the Director agreed that future monitoring reports would include the information requested. It had however been included within the presentation to the Cabinet, which would be placed in the Council’s web library.


Resolved – That the report be noted.