Issue - meetings

Wirral Heritage Strategy

Meeting: 23/11/2011 - Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 53)

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The Director of Technical Services presented Wirral’s first Heritage Strategy 2011-2014 ‘Making Our Heritage Matter’, the purpose of which was to set out a comprehensive and integrated Heritage framework that would form the basis for heritage activities in the short and medium term and establish principles to be followed in the longer term. The overall vision was “To ensure that Wirral’s heritage is protected, managed, enhanced and used to meet the educational, recreational and sustainable needs of local people, visitors and potential investors to the borough.” The Director set out the strategy objectives and reported that it identified key issues and proposed actions for five thematic areas –


·  Stewardship and Protection – conserving Wirral’s heritage for future generations;

·  Regeneration – using heritage as a driver for economic development, inward investment and supporting sustainable communities;

·  Learning – maximising the role of heritage in supporting education, training and life-long learning;

·  Participation – ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to access, enjoy and participate in heritage;

·  Celebration – recognising and utilising the part heritage can play in promoting local identity, social cohesion and civic and community pride.


The document also contained an action plan, which expanded on the actions identified in the main strategy. It was envisaged that the action plan would be an evolving document that would be regularly updated as targets were achieved and new initiatives were fed into it. The Strategy and its action plan would be regularly reviewed and monitored and it proposed a Heritage Steering Group composed of officers and key external partners to drive the Strategy forward.


Members referred to Wirral’s rich heritage and welcomed the Heritage Strategy which was vital to ensure that Wirral was able to protect its heritage and did not lose out on the opportunity to secure available funding for heritage restoration and preservation. Members praised the officers for engaging local people and organisations throughout the strategy development process and commented also upon the significant educational work being undertaken and the involvement of young people in heritage activity.


On a motion by Councillor J Williams and seconded by Councillor C Jones, it was –


Resolved –


(1)  That the Wirral Heritage Strategy 2011-2014 and action plan, be approved.


(2)  That the thanks of the Committee be accorded to the officers and to the various organisations, associations and individuals who have been involved in the production of the Wirral Heritage Strategy.


(3)  That a working group of officers be established to monitor the implementation of the Wirral Heritage Strategy.


(4)  That a scrutiny working group be established to include the Chair and spokespersons of the Sustainable Communities O&S Committee and the Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Leisure, to meet on a quarterly basis to discuss where the plan is going and to monitor any outcomes or issues within the plan as and when they arise, and to bring back updated reports to scrutiny.


(5)  That the post of Heritage Officer be made permanent.