Issue - meetings

Port Rating

Meeting: 19/03/2009 - Cabinet (Item 430)



On 27 November 2008 Cabinet had considered the change to the valuation for rating purposes of what were previously described as Dock Undertakings.  Cabinet had requested a further report when Government proposals were known. The Director of Finance gave an update on the current position, detailed the way forward for Member approval and highlighted issues that would continue to face the businesses involved in the future.


The Leader of the Council referred to recent discussions in the House of Lords.


Resolved: - That


(1)  subject to (3) below, the Director of Finance writes to each port occupier with the National Non Domestic Rates Bills for 2009-10 setting out the position with arrears due and invites each occupier to consider requesting spread or scheduled payments over an extended period; and


(2)  Officers continue to monitor valuation appeals and encourage meetings with the port owner with regard to rates already paid to the owner.


(3)  Officers investigate the implications of the House of Lords discussions, and if they have any impact on the decision above, a further report be brought back to the Cabinet prior to the decision being implemented.