Issue - meetings

Future Corporate Governance Improvement Framework

Meeting: 08/02/2012 - Corporate Governance Committee (Item 34)

34 Future Corporate Governance Improvement Framework pdf icon PDF 96 KB


A report by the Chief Executive provided an overview of the products which would result from the work taking place on the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) that underpinned the Corporate Governance Comprehensive Work Plan.  It also identified a number of linkages between the KLOEs and proposed that they inform the development of a Framework for implementing, sustaining and ensuring compliance of improvement actions.  This Improvement Framework would also provide a clear context for progressing the recommendations contained in the AKA report and other external reports, together with issues raised by employees through the range of discussions, questionnaires, meetings that were currently taking place.


The Committee was aware that work was progressing on each of the KLOEs and this would result in a number of discrete operational proposals that were relevant to each one.  Appendix 1 to the report set out the anticipated Products from each of the KLOEs together with an outline of when and how the improvement proposals would be brought forward.


This work was not being done in isolation, either from the other KLOEs or from existing mainstream delivery, as it was recognised that there were linkages across the programme.  These linkages were still emerging as the reviews neared completion, but a number of strategic actions and principles had been identified.  These included the following:


  • Robust evidence base - Review of Policy, Review of Central and devolved functions, Review of Performance


  • Involvement of partners, service users etc in developing evidence base - Review of Equalities, Review of Code of Corporate Governance


  • Shared Vision and Values – Review of Corporate Plan and Budget, Communications, Review of Member Capacity, Review of Equalities


  • Cultural Change – Review of Equalities, Communications Plan, Review of Performance Management


  • Budget – Review of Corporate Plan and Budget, Review of Fees and Charges, Strategic Change programme


  • Performance Management Framework – Review of Policy, Review of Performance management (HR and Corporate); Review of Committee Services


  • Self assessment – Review of Policy, Review of Performance, Review of Corporate plan (alignment of resources), Peer Review – stress testing current improvements


It was proposed that these strategic actions formed the basis of the March report on the outcomes of the Corporate Governance Work Plan.  This report would be supported by a number of annexes setting out specific detailed recommendations relating to the individual KLOEs where relevant.  The Committee was informed that the majority of the work to deliver the ten KLOEs would be completed and reported on by the end of March 2012.  However, whilst this work ensured that a range of improvement actions were put in place, it also highlighted further longer term actions that would be required to ensure that improvements to corporate governance were fully embedded in how the Council did its business.


In addition, the range of employee engagement activities that Members had now put in place would give rise to a wealth of feedback that was likely to inform, not only issues relating directly to corporate governance, but also potentially to wider  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34