Issue - meetings

Achievement of Income Targets

Meeting: 26/03/2012 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 94)

94 Achievement of Income Targets pdf icon PDF 75 KB


Further to minute 78 (31 January 2012), which requested the attendance of the Director of Technical Services to provide further information to Members in relation to the achievement of income targets in those areas within his remit, the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance advised the Committee that the Director of Technical Services had not been able to attend the meeting as requested, having been called away on a matter of urgency. However, the Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning and the Head of Regeneration and Planning were in attendance to offer comment on those matters within their purview.


Members referred to the drop in income from golf courses, which had been attributed in part to the poor summer weather and also to the national common trend, which suggested that usage was linked to the economic position. Members commented that to play on a regular basis, it was more cost effective to be a member of a golf club and suggested that the budget forecasts needed to be adjusted to a more realistic and achievable level. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance reported that all Chief Officers would be required to examine their income levels during 2012, in comparison with other local authorities.


Resolved – That the report be noted.