Issue - meetings

Social Fund Reform - Wirral Local Welfare Assistance Scheme

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)

42 Social Fund Reform - Wirral Local Welfare Assistance Scheme pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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The Committee considered the report of the Interim Director of Finance detailing the proposed year one policy for a new local discretionary support scheme administered by the local authority from April 2013 to replace the crisis loans and community care grants currently administered by the Department for Work and Pensions. Members views were sought for referral to Cabinet and consequential approval by Council.


In response to Members, Mr Malcolm Flanagan, Head of Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services indicated that there would be plain English information provided to members of the public making applications and staff would be given appropriate training and guides to help them assist the public and ensure health and safety for citizens and staff. 


In relation to the evaluation of the scheme, Officers would be doing this on a monthly basis and reports would be submitted to Members on a monthly basis, the evaluation would assist with the planning for year two.


Members raised concerns regarding the environment of the one stop shop/libraries and security at each site, in response, Mr Flanagan indicated that this was an issue that needed addressing carefully to address the balance of setting the right environment in the one stop shop against the security of staff and the public. Mr Flanagan explained that those customer making applications would not be dealt with at the reception counters but in a separate interview room by trained staff, rooms would be fitted with CCTV to meet health and safety requirements and safeguarding procedures.


Members raised concern regarding the plans to provide two centres; which may prove costly for those transporting from Eastham and New Brighton to attend centres at Birkenhead. 


In relation to working with voluntary sector, Mr Flanagan indicated that the Council has 90 days before the scheme was to go live, Officers were trying to make contact with voluntary sector prior to this deadline of March 2013 which may prove difficult. It was suggested that this could be looked at as part of Year 2 planning.


On motions proposed by Councillor Doughty and Councillor Williams



Resolved – That


(1)  subject to the acknowledgment of Members concerns and comments raised, the report detailing the proposed year one policy for a new local discretionary support scheme administered by the local authority from April 2013 to replace the crisis loans and community care grants currently administered by the Department for Work and Pensions be noted; and


(2)  the Interim Director of Finance and his officers be congratulated on all their hard work.