Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Update

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 55)

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The Committee considered the report of Chief Internal Auditor which identified and evaluated the performance of the Internal Audit section and included details of any issues arising from the actual work undertaken during the period 1 January to 28 February 2013. He provided details of the following items of note concerning audit work undertaken, that were reported in order of risk in relation to -


·  Asset Management


The findings of the audit conducted of the Asset Management system in operation had identified significant issues and minimal assurance opinions provided.  The department had responded positively to the report and an action plan has been agreed to address all of the issues identified within an agreed timescale. Follow up work was scheduled in these areas and would be reported in the monthly summary report for Members.


·  Absent Management


The findings of the audit conducted of the Absence Management system in operation had identified a number of significant issues and limited assurance opinion provided.  The department has responded positively to the report and an action plan has been agreed to address all of the issues identified within an agreed timescale.  Follow up work was scheduled n these areas and the findings would be reported in the monthly summary report for Members.


·  Improvement Plan


The findings of the audit conducted to review the adequacy of the controls in operation over the Improvement Plan.  The audit focused on the current process in place for the improvement Plan but not the delivery of the actual improvement targets due to the Plan being in the infancy of its programme life cycle.  The audit generated a 'substantial' assurance opinion and identified 4 recommendations of which 2 were medium propriety.  However, detailed audit resting would be undertaken in the next financial year in order to gain assurance regarding outcomes, the achievement of targets and deadlines within the Improvement Plan and the impact of those achievements.


·  Libraries


The findings of the audit undertaken to review the cash management arrangements at the Council Libraries where income was collected on behalf of a number of external organisations e.g. for charitable items and voluntary activities. The objective was to determine whether the financial, legal and reputational risks had been identified and the controls in place provided managers with reasonable assurance that the activities complied with current policy and the assets held were protected against loss.  A minimal assurance opinion was provided and a number of high propriety recommendations agreed with management to address some fundamental control issues relating to this type of activity.  It was acknowledged that the levels of cash transactions for this activity were minimal but the impact from the legal and reputational risks were considered significant. An action plan had been agreed with management and follow up activity would be reported to Members upon completion.


·  The Holy Spirit School


The findings of an audit conducted at the Holy Spirit School where excellent progress has been made to address some significant issues identified at previous audits of the school.  The changes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55