Issue - meetings

Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 10 (January 2013)

Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 74)

74 Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 10 (January 2013) pdf icon PDF 391 KB


The Cabinet considered the report the Interim Director of Finance setting out the revenue position for 2012/13 as at Month 10 (January 2013). The report identified the latest financial projections and prioritised the risks for ongoing management actions, to ensure any year end overspend was minimised.


Mr Peter Timmins, Interim Director of Finance introduced the report and indicated that discussions had been held with Cheshire West and Chester regarding shared services in particular around procurement.


In response to Members, Mr Timmins indicated that a detailed report would be taken to the Special Cabinet meeting on 18 April 2013 in relation to the Department of Adult Social Services and the Pension Fund outlining an action plan for improvement.


A budget book was to be circulated to Members at the end April outlining the budget to date. Training was also to be undertaken by Officers on Budget Management and information made available on the Council’s website to assist them. 


In relation to the budget position for the Department of Adult Social Services (DASS), Mr Timmins indicated that an Officer whose expertise was in DASS budgets had been employed and had put in place proposals to ensure savings and efficiency for the Department.




That Committee notes the report and in particular the progress made in reducing the projected overspend from circa £17 million to £7.6 million pounds.