Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 23)

23 Committee Referral - Permitted Development Rights pdf icon PDF 39 KB

At its meeting held on 30 May 2013 (minute 34 refers), the Planning Committee referred the attached report on changes to Permitted Development Rights to this Committee for information.

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The Head of Legal and Member Services reported that at its meeting held on 30 May 2013 (minute 34 refers), the Planning Committee referred the report of the Head of Regeneration and Planning on changes to Permitted Development Rights to this Committee for information.


Members expressed a view that the legislation was confusing and had led to increased pressure on Planning Officers with a potential loss in income in relation to some planning applications. The Head of Regeneration commented upon a number of issues associated with the changes to Permitted Development Rights and, in response to Members’ concerns, agreed to circulate his report to all Members of the Council for information.


It was moved by Councillor Sullivan and seconded by Councillor Foulkes –


“That this Committee strongly disagrees with the Tory led coalition, of slackening the planning regulations that previously needed local Council involvement with regard to planning applications (particularly in relation to boundary distances), the potential impact on fees and on the already overstretched Planning Department”


The Motion was carried (12:1) with one abstention


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted and circulated to all Members of the Council for information.


(2)  That this Committee strongly disagrees with the Tory led coalition, of slackening the planning regulations that previously needed local Council involvement with regard to planning applications (particularly in relation to boundary distances), the potential impact on fees and on the already overstretched Planning Department (12:1 with one abstention).

Meeting: 30/05/2013 - Planning Committee (Item 34)



A report by the Head of Regeneration and Planning outlined a number of changes to Permitted Development Rights for home owners and commercial premises that are due to take effect on 30 May 2013-06-03.


It was reported that the main change is to increase the size limits for the depth of single – storey domestic extensions from 4 metres to 8 metres (for detached houses) And from 3 metres to 6 metres for all other houses, in non- protected areas for a period of three years.


Members were informed that the Government have also announced changes to extend existing permitted development rights for certain telecommunications equipment and will grant new permitted development rights to change offices into residential use without the need for planning permission.


It was suggested that Members would benefit from a training session and this will be arranged in due course.


Officers responded to questions from Members


Resolved –


(1) That Members note the contents of the Report; and


(2) the contents of the report be referred to the Council’s Policy and Performance Committee for Regeneration and Environment.