Issue - meetings

Revenue Monitoring 2013/2014 - Month 2 (May 2013)

Meeting: 11/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 36)

36 Revenue Monitoring 2013/2014 - Month 2 (May 2013) pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The Cabinet considered the report of the Interim Director of Finance which detailed the revenue position for 2013-14 at Month 2 (May 2013) and the actions taken to minimise risk.


Councillor P.Davies noted the underspend of £41,000 and indicated that the spotlight needed to remain on spending. He reported that the Council’s budget position had not been improved by the recent Spending Review announcement and that he appealed to Government to reconsider the decision which would have a huge impact on the residents of Wirral and their quality of life. The Council now faced a huge challenge to deliver a balanced budget.




(1)  at Month 2 (May 2013), the full year forecasts projected a General Fund underspend of £41,000 be noted;


(2)  there were no rejected freeze items in the month; and


(3)  Strategic Directors be requested to find compensatory savings for budgetary issues (Annex 12) not covered from corporate resources in Month 3.