Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/03/2014 - Council (Item 93)


To consider any recommendations of the Leader, Cabinet, Cabinet Member and Committees which require the approval of the Council. The relevant minutes or reports are attached or will be circulated; copies of the related reports can be provided for Council members on request.


A  Cabinet (Special Meeting)

– 10 March 2014


·  The Cabinet recommendation in relation to the Combined Authority will be reported at the meeting.

The report is attached


·  The Cabinet recommendation in relation to the Council’s Pay Policy Statement 2014/2015 will be reported at the meeting.

The report is attached


B  Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee

– 24 February 2014

Minute 13 is attached, which recommends to the Council approval of recommended amendments to the Council’s Constitution.


C  Local Development Framework

– Adoption of Revised Statement of Community Involvement

The Council is requested to give consideration to the Delegated Decision (attached) of the Cabinet Member – Economy, published on 24 January 2014.


The Delegated Decision recommends that the Council formally adopt the final revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which is required to set out the Council’s policy for the involvement of the community in land-use planning decisions. The report of the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment advised that the Council’s SCI needed to be revised to take account of a series of changes to national legislation and regulations since it was adopted in December 2006. It recommended that the final revised SCI, which had been amended following public consultation, be recommended for adoption by a resolution of the full Council.


D  Planning Committee

– 20 February 2014

Minute 229

– Changes to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers for the Determination of Planning Applications and Planning Related Matters


Minute 230

– Proposed Designation of Lower Bebington Conservation Area


E  Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee

– 13 November 2013

Minute 15

– Proposed Adoption of Byelaws made by Wirral Borough Council with respect to Acupuncture, Tattooing, Semi-Permanent Skin-Colouring, Cosmetic Piercing and Electrolysis.


The Council is requested to approve the recommendations set out in minute 15. The proposed byelaw is attached.

Additional documents:


The Mayor indicated that, in accordance with Standing Order 5(2), seven matters were submitted for approval by the Council (see minutes 87 to 93 post)