Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 18)

18 Work Programme pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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Further to minute 12 (10 July 2013), the Chair presented an update upon the outcome of discussions with group spokespersons upon the formulation and development of the work programme for the ensuing municipal year. Although Members had identified a number of areas for review, it was recognised that it was important to have a manageable programme that could be adequately resourced considering elected member capacity and officer support.


He presented a detailed work programme in the form of a schedule for the municipal year, highlighting proposed activity against the following headings –


·  Scheduled Reviews

·  Potential Reviews

·  Reports Requested

·  Standing Items


A Member referred to an issue that he had raised at the last meeting with regard to issues associated with the use of PDAs in the brown bin collection, which was to be investigated by officers. In response to concern that a response had only recently been provided, the Head of Environment and Regulation indicated that he believed the Member had been advised that the matter had been fully resolved and the recent communication to all Members was to complete the Action Tracker. In response to a further question with regard to the Cheshire Lines Facilities Management contract, he proposed to provide a full response to all Members of the Committee.


Resolved –


(1)  That the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee work programme, set out in Appendix 1 to the report now submitted, be approved.


(2)  That the officers be requested to bring additional reports to future meetings of the Committee in relation to –


(i)  An Update on Parking on Pavements and Verges

(ii)  The Impact in Wirral of Cumulative Impact Assessments


(3)  That an update be provided to all Members of the Committee upon the Council Mortgage Scheme.