Issue - meetings

Regeneration and Environment Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 20)

20 Regeneration and Environment Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Interim Director of Resources set out an approach to future budget monitoring arrangements to ensure that there was consistency across the Policy and Performance Committees and to ensure that Members had sufficient information to scrutinise budget performance for the Regeneration and Environment Directorate.


He commented that the Coordinating Committee had agreed that, in order to fulfil its corporate and strategic scrutiny role, it would continue to review the full versions of the most up to date monitor reports at its future scheduled meetings. The report contained a link to full versions of the revenue and capital monitor reports already considered by the Cabinet. However, the Chair indicated that the latest monitoring information had been published for consideration by the Cabinet at its meeting on 19 September 2013.  For the three Policy and Performance Committees aligned to the Directorates, it was proposed that the relevant sections from the most recent revenue and capital monitoring reports would be summarised into a bespoke report for each Committee, which would include –


·  Performance against revenue budget

·  Performance against capital budget

·  Performance against in year efficiency targets


Members had been requested to review the last Revenue and Capital Monitor reports to Cabinet in July to determine if they had any specific questions relating to the budget for the Regeneration and Environment Directorate.


Resolved – That the report be noted.