Issue - meetings

Use of Delegated Powers Report

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 21)

21 Use of Delegated Powers Report pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment reported in accordance with the “Approved Scheme of Delegation” and the “Contract Procedure Rules” upon the use of delegated authority to –


(a)  Accept the lowest tender to continue the maintenance of a number of sites acquired/created during the Housing Market Renewal Initiative, located in Birkenhead, Tranmere, Rock Ferry and Wallasey.


He commented that as part of the former HMRI a number of sites were acquired and/or created through the demolition of low demand housing. The majority of those remaining sites would eventually be redeveloped over time. However, in the mean time, arrangements were necessary to ensure the sites did not become a nuisance and blight on local neighbourhoods. The maintenance of the sites included grass cutting and fly tip removal. Following an evaluation of the tenders received, the winning contractor was determined to be Continental Landscapes Limited and the contract price for the 33 month term was £56,565. This compares to the previous contract sum of £20,000 which covered a 10 month period.


(b)  Accept the tender to appoint Nathaniel Litchfield and Partners to undertake a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Wirral.


Under Section 8 of the Housing Act 1985, local authorities were required to consider the various accommodation needs of the local population and to carry out periodic reviews in order to provide relevant and appropriate provision to meet these needs. The information obtained through this was used to enable the Council to update and inform its Housing Strategy, strategic priorities and to provide the evidence base for the preparation of the Local Development Framework. Following the subsequent evaluation of the tenders received, the winning consultant was determined to be Nathaniel Litchfield and Partners. The contract price submitted was £45,770.


Resolved –


(1)  That the use of delegated authority to accept the lowest tender to continue the maintenance of a number of sites acquired/created during the Housing Market Renewal Initiative, located in Birkenhead, Tranmere, Rock Ferry and Wallasey, be noted.


(2)  That the use of delegated authority to accept the tender to appoint Nathaniel Litchfield and Partners to undertake a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Wirral, be noted.