Issue - meetings

Request for Financial Assistance Through Regional Growth Funding

Meeting: 07/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 102)

Request for Financial Assistance Through Regional Growth Funding (2)


Councillor Pat Hackett introduced a report of the Strategic Director – Regeneration and Environment that sought approval for a grant for the company named in the report to assist its business expansion project.


This report had been considered and agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 10 October 2013 (Minute No. 81 refers).  However, approval to the publishing of the general Exception Notice from the Chair of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee had been overlooked by the relevant section, prior to the meeting. This approval had now been obtained from the Chair but it was considered appropriate, under the circumstances, to re-present the report to Cabinet.




(1)  a grant be approved towards the business Development Project being undertaken by the company named within this report, to be paid over two years, from the date of the signing of the legal agreement; and


(2)  the Head of Legal and Member Services be authorised to draw up and sign a legal agreement between the Council and the business based upon the content of the report and subject to the detailed contracting process.