Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review Guidance

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 35)

35 Scrutiny Review Guidance pdf icon PDF 55 KB

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The Director of Public Health/Head of Policy and Performance presented draft guidance for the setting up and operation of Scrutiny Review Panels, to ensure a consistent approach to task and finish work across the four Policy and Performance Committees. The draft guidance had been considered by the Co-ordinating Committee (minute 31 (15 January 2014) refers), who had welcomed that there were significantly more scrutiny reviews being undertaken, further demonstrating the direction of travel in the Council’s improvement journey.


A member indicated that the guidance should provide more detail as to what should happen at the end of a review and that there was a need for a process to track recommendations through to their completion.


Resolved – That, subject to the views expressed being taken into account, the report be noted.