Issue - meetings

Directorate Plan Performance Report

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 36)

36 Directorate Plan Performance Report pdf icon PDF 71 KB

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The Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment presented an update of the performance of the Directorate as at 30 November 2013, against the delivery of the Directorate Plan for 2013/2014. Of 21 measures that were RAG rated, 17 were rated Green, 3 were rated Amber and one was rated Red, in relation to the ‘percentage of all major planning applications determined within 13 weeks’. The Strategic Director presented an action plan which identified the reason for non-compliance being in relation to one application during Q2 2013/2014 being subject to a s106 agreement, which was required to be reported to the Planning Committee, thereby causing a delay in the issuing of a decision and resulting in performance to dip from 57.1% (Green) to 50% (Red). Although every effort would be made to improve the current status prior to the year end, the Strategic Director indicated that due to the in depth process required to enable a change to the Scheme of Delegation to allow for increased flexibility in the reporting of applications to the Planning Committee, he anticipated that performance would remain Red for the rest of 2013/2014.


In response to a question from a Member in relation to the indicator ‘to maintain local environmental quality (LEQ) via the street cleansing of litter, detritus and dog fouling in main gateways and shopping areas’, the Head of Environment and Regulation outlined the key factors for improvement and confirmed that the indicator always received particular attention and was focused upon at regular management meetings with Biffa.


Resolved – That the report be noted.