Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 27/01/2014 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 37)

37 Financial Monitoring 2013/2014 Month 8 (November 2013) pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment presented the report of the Director of Resources, which set out financial monitoring information for Month 8 (November 2013), to ensure consistency across Policy and Performance Committees and provide sufficient detail for Members to scrutinise budget performance for the Directorate.


All budget savings had been delivered for the year and he reported that projected variations indicated that a net saving was forecast of £435,000. At this stage, issues that had been identified of concern were in relation to Homeless Grant rolled into Formula Grant, but not taken out of budget (£221,000) and Car Parking Income shortfall (£350,000), which had been considered in detail by the Car Parking Scrutiny Working Group.


In response to a comment by the Chair, the Strategic Director assured Members that further consideration would be given to how best to plan future capital spend.


Resolved – That the report be noted.