Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/03/2014 - Council (Item 94)


To receive the written reports of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Chairs of the Policy and Performance Committees and receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11

Additional documents:


The Mayor referred to the reports of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Chairs of Policy and Performance Committees. The Council was invited to receive and note the reports and he commented that they would not be presented, being taken as read. The Mayor requested that questions be confined to the content of the reports.


The Leader of the Council responded to questions in relation to his portfolio report from Councillors Jeff Green, Stuart Kelly and Janette Williamson and made a number of comments including:


·  Contrary to recent reports, Shared Services had not been abandoned, but had been put on hold until October 2014, when proposals with regard to the Future Council project would be published. .This would allow further analysis of the Business Case to be undertaken and he commented that it was appropriate for matters to be put on hold to assess the costs/savings, prior to any binding agreement being signed. Nevertheless, considerable savings were still required as a result of Government cuts and he expressed disappointment that the Conservative Group had not wished to be involved in recent events to discuss the future shape of Council services in Wirral.

·  He indicated that there was an appetite in Schools to work with the Council to share costs associated with School Crossing Patrols and the Primary Heads Group had indicated their willingness to work with the Council. He re-affirmed that the safety of young people was paramount and that where a school was unwilling or unable to commit to share costs, funding would be made available.

·  He was pleased that Wirral was now a Living Wage Council and commented that this also included a commitment to ensuring that new contracts for social care providers would demonstrate that they would follow the Council’s ethical care charter. This asked providers, amongst other requirements, not to employ staff on zero hour contracts. He had attended on 7 March 2014 a meeting with other North West Council’s who were committed to paying the Living Wage, with a view to sharing best practice and he hoped that work being undertaken with major employers would lead to Wirral becoming a Living Wage Borough.


Resolved – That the report of the Leader of the Council be noted.


Questions were then invited for Councillor Ann McLachlan on her Governance and Improvement Portfolio Report and responses to a question from Councillor Tony Norbury included the following comments:


·  That the Cultural Change Programme was of significant value to the Council and all Members and officers had a duty to engage with it. Its importance had been identified by the Wirral/LGA Improvement Board and a recent Members’ Survey had highlighted the key role to be played by Group Leaders to promote good standards of conduct. With the support of the Members’ Training Steering Group, training would continue to be offered to develop the Cultural Change agenda. However, courses were more cost effective when fully attended and she hoped that all Members would engage with the training programme.


Resolved – That the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 94