Issue - meetings

Local Community Library Initiative

Meeting: 19/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Local Community Library Initiative pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Councillor Chris Meaden introduced a report by the Head of Business Processes that detailed the current situation with regard to Wirral’s Library network with specific regard to its smaller Community Library sites.  The financial pressures facing the Council meant it was necessary to review all its services.  The Cabinet was informed that in respect of Libraries, a number of other authorities had reduced their library network due to this ongoing loss in funding.  To mitigate such impacts on libraries, Councils had the option to engage with local community groups where there was an interest in voluntarily running part or all of a library site which may be preferable to total loss.  The report detailed a method of dealing with this as a community right to run proposal and sought the Cabinet’s direction for it to be progressed. 


Councillor Meaden thanked all of the Library and One Stop Shop staff for all of the help they had given.


Councillor Phil Davies referred to what he considered as irresponsible reporting in the press this week.  It had been claimed that Libraries were being closed when this was not the case.  He informed that the Council was facing challenging circumstances brought about by a Government that did not care about local services.  The Council was aware that there were community groups that were interested in running community facilities and so it was taking advantage of this.




That the Cabinet agrees to allow Officers to engage in discussion with local groups regarding the degree of involvement in supporting the running of community libraries and report back to it with their findings and proposals for how this may be taken forward. 


Councillor Stuart Whittingham left the room whilst the next item of business was under discussion.