Issue - meetings

Car Parking Scrutiny Review

Meeting: 22/09/2014 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 13)

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At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Paul Doughty introduced the Car Parking Scrutiny Review Final Report, which had been undertaken by a Task and Finish Panel that he had chaired and which also comprised Councillors Alan Brighouse, Jim Crabtree, Leah Fraser, Anita Leech, Jerry Williams and Steve Williams.


The detailed report set out the context for the Review and set out its scope and methodology. It recognised that the pressures on retail and commercial centres were many and varied and that a Car Parking Strategy should be supportive of the economic sustainability of each of the centres. Following research and discussion of the approach taken by other, similar local authorities, the Panel had proposed a number of ‘Objectives’ and ‘Principles’ to provide a guiding framework for any future Strategy and considered that they were in full harmony with the Council’s Corporate Plan. He highlighted the findings of the Panel, which had resulted in a range of recommendations for consideration, related to pricing, technology and demand based decision making. It had not been the role of the Panel to formulate a Car Parking Strategy but it was hoped that its recommendations would provide a suitable framework. Councillor Doughty thanked the Members of the Panel and the support officers for the considerable work they had undertaken. He also drew the attention of the Committee to a minor error in Table 1.2 of the Review and circulated a correction.


A Member referred to considerable increased parking charges, particularly in Heswall and West Kirby and expressed a view that such increases were detrimental to the local economy. He also commented that it was not acceptable to charge Medical Centre patients for parking at West Kirby Concourse. As locations for increased parking charges were not specified in the Review, he could not support its recommendations.


The Chair indicated that the Review made no such recommendation and anticipated that the detail of any future Car Parking Strategy prepared by officers would be subject to consultation. He commented also that there had been cross party involvement in the Panel and he commended its recommendations.


Resolved (12:2) –


(1)  That the Scrutiny Review and its recommendations be endorsed.


(2)  That the Review be referred to the Cabinet for approval.