Issue - meetings

Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014 - 2019

Meeting: 22/09/2014 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 18)

18 Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014 - 2019 pdf icon PDF 97 KB

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The Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment presented the report of the Deputy Chief Executive/Head of Universal and Infrastructure Services, which introduced a new Climate Change Strategy for Wirral that set a framework for action over the next five years to reduce green house pollution and to help ensure that Wirral adapted to unavoidable changes in the climate.


The report evidenced Wirral Council’s long held commitment to action on climate change and indicated that the new Strategy had been developed via the Wirral Climate Change Group and been subject to extensive consultation with the public and partner organisations. The Strategy’s goals were to substantially cut climate pollution associated with Wirral and to adapt Wirral to unavoidable climate change. It signalled the direction of travel needed, highlighted the context for action and identified a set of objectives to be met. To cut pollution the Strategy identified the following aims –


·  to reduce demand for energy and make Wirral more energy efficient;


·  to generate and source more of our local energy needs from 'renewable' sources;


·  to use more sustainable modes of transport, more fuel-efficient vehicles and less polluting means of getting around;


·  to reduce the indirect negative impacts that our decisions have for climate pollution in Wirral and elsewhere.


To adapt to unavoidable change the aim was –


·  to identify the risks and vulnerabilities from expected changes and bring forward plans and actions to limit negative impacts and improve resilience.


In support of both goals the aim was –


·  to build capacity for action by strengthening local networks and partnerships and by developing wider awareness and education initiatives.


The Strategy was endorsed by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability, who was in attendance and indicated that the report was to be considered by the Cabinet on 9 October 2014.


Resolved (12:2) – That the Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014-2019 be endorsed as the agreed framework to encourage and co-ordinate local climate-related action in Wirral.